Friday, May 27, 2011

Prodesign Eyewear

ProDesign was originally founded in 1973 but ProDesign today is a completely different company compared to back then. Design philosophy, basic values and corporate identity have changed remarkably since the entire organisation was restructured in 2000 and it is difficult to make direct comparison between then and now.

Today, ProDesign is an ambitious company establishing a growing position in world markets through the ability to quickly recognize and pick up trends, supplying prompt deliveries, efficient inventory management, and support through our Danish headquarters and offices in Hamburg and San Francisco.

Clean Danish design is the basis of our products but always add a twist of something surprising – something unexpected. Prodesign aims to balance classic and clean with bold and bright to continuously keep classic styles updated. The most important thing is always to create eyewear that dresses the face. The frame and the face must interact to obtain a beautiful and harmonic look. We never strive for creating a design object that demands all the attention but rather a piece of eyewear that completes and enhances the lines of the face

Like other Danish eyewear designers ProDesign works a lot with powerful effects and is fascinated by the way the right detail can completely change the look of a frame. To pick a certain effect, appoint it your characteristic feature and make it as powerful as possible without overdoing it. This can be a challenge when you also want to preserve the clean and simple lines of Danish Design. This is however what it is all about – challenging our creativity to create a perfect frame every time.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Summer in coming, UV protection frequently asked questions

What are ultraviolet rays?
Ultraviolet (UV) rays are part of electro-magnetic radiation. They are invisible rays lying beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum. 
Low intensity of UV rays are also emitted from fluorescent lamps, TV and computer monitors. 
Are there different types of UV rays?
As different intensity (wavelength) of UV has different effect on us, they are commonly categorized as UV-A, UV-B and UV-C. 
UV-C (wavelengths from 200nm - 290nm) is present above the earth's atmosphere and also given out from welding arcs. It also arises from sunlight's reflection from snow at high altitude. 
UV-B (wavelengths from 290nm - 320nm) and UV-A (wavelengths from 320nm - 390nm) are present in our living environment, from direct sunlight or reflection from snow, water, sands, glass windows, concrete walls etc. 
What are the harmful effects of UV rays on human eyes?
The effects and damages to the eyes from the UV radiation are well documented. 
Since various ocular tissue layers absorb different wavelengths of the UV rays, they can respond quite differently. 
The cornea is particularly susceptible to the effects of UV-C and lesser extent of UV-B. UV-C given off by a welding arc can be absorbed by the cornea and symptoms of foreign body sensation, tearing and pain may appear between 30 minutes to 12 hours after exposure. Excessive exposure has been documented to cause corneal cells damage. 
Corneal absorption of UV radiation decreases dramatically at wavelengths above 290nm. 
The portion UV-A and lesser extent of UV-B are transmitted through the cornea and aqueous, and nearly totally absorbed by the crystalline lens. Although painless, it can alter the lens nuclear proteins and lead to lens opacification (cataract). 
UV of long wavelengths transmitted through the lens will be received by the retina as have been implicated in macula degeneration and damaging retinal tissues. 
Pterygiums and Pingueculae have also been known closely associated to the exposure of UV rays. 
Besides sunglasses, is there any UV-block lens for spectacle wearers?
Normal human activities can not avoid exposure of eyes to the UV radiation. Although domestic fluorescent lamps, TV and monitors emit very small amount of UV radiation, it's prudent to protect the eyes from the cumulative effects of UV on long term exposure. 
They are various lens types, such as Hi-index, Photochromic (Transitions), Polycarbonate lenses, which provide up to 99% of UV block without having the dark tint as with the sunglasses, allowing all day wear out and indoors. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

If decorative contact lenses have caught your eye, check out this video

 The Georgia Optometric Association worked in conjunction with WSB-TV of Atlanta to produce this investigative segment on illegal contact lenses.
Watch the news story here.

Interested in contact lenses?  See us first!  

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

No need to be dilated. The Optomap is here.

The optomap Retinal Exam is used by your eye doctor to get an ultra-widefield view of the retina (the back of the eye)
While eye exams generally include a look at the front of the eye to evaluate health and prescription changes, a thorough screening of the retina is critical to verify that your eye is healthy. This can lead to early detection of common diseases, such as glaucoma, diabetes, macular degeneration, and even cancer. The exam is quick, painless, and may not require dilation drops.
The optomap story: In 1990, 5 year old Leif Anderson went blind in one eye due to an undiagnosed retinal detachment. He was getting regular eye exams, but conventional tests available at the time made a thorough examination difficult. Distressed by the diagnostic methods available, Leif's father, Douglas, designed the optomap retinal exam.

Monday, May 16, 2011

LASIK Laser Eye Surgery

What is LASIK Laser Eye Surgery?

LASIK eye surgery is the most popular refractive laser eye surgery. LASIK involves the use of a laser to change the shape of the eye to correct refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. LASIK is a permanent vision correction procedure since it is a type of surgery which is not reversible. Thanks to advanced technology, LASIK provides an excellent safety profile and results when performed by experienced LASIK Surgeons for carefully selected patients. LASIK is not right for everyone and requires careful evaluation and consultation.Today more people are routinely electing to have LASIK to correct their vision as it is a suitable substitute for eyeglasses and lenses for most common vision problems. LASIK is a quick eye surgery procedure that provides good vision with few postoperative complications for most people. LASIK is not suited for everyone including people with certain health problems, eye diseases, and other situations that an eye care professional can help to explain in detail as part of your consultation.

LASIK Laser Eye Surgery Process

The LASIK eye surgery process requires that a series of careful measurements be taken to be sure that you are a good candidate. This process should begin with a discussion regarding what your expectations are and what you wish to achieve by being less dependent or eliminating eyeglasses or contact lenses. Then a careful review of you health and eye history should be taken by the doctor's office. Next, in order to determine the exact prescription that will need to be treated, a refraction should be performed to measure the amount of nearsightedness or farsightedness
and astigmatism. This will require the use of eye drops to get the best possible measurements. It will be necessary to map the surface of the eye, called the cornea, with a corneal topographer that gives the doctor a blueprint of the shape of your eye. An important step is to measure the corneal thickness, called pachymetry, in order to help determine whether the anatomy of your corneal is appropriate for LASIK or perhaps another laser eye surgery procedure. Once all of these steps have been completed, the doctor will examine the health of the retina and inside structures of your eyes as a final check. On your day of surgery, a technician will clean the area around your eyes with a hygienic but gentle cleansing pad. The technician will place a series of drops into your eyes in order to get them ready for your treatment. Some of these drops, antibiotic drops, will prevent germs from entering your eye and therefore help to prevent any possibility of infection. Other drops will be placed in your eyes to lightly numb the cornea so that you are comfortable during your treatment. After you recline on the bed-like chair under the laser, an eyelid holder called a speculum, is gently placed between your eyelids to remind you not to blink. Next the LASIK surgeon will use an instrument called a microkeratome to create a very thin, circular layer, called a flap on the front of the cornea. Since you have had numbing drops placed in your eyes, this will not be uncomfortable, but will feel like a slight pressure around your eyes. The surgeon will instruct you to look at a small light during your procedure. Don't worry if you cannot stay perfectly steady-just do your best. Today's laser technology uses a tracking system which will actually follow your eye movements if you can hold pretty still during your procedure. To correct nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism, your surgeon will use an Excimer laser. The Excimer laser is programmed based on calculations made from the measurements taken during your consultation. The laser then delivers the exact correction  needed and send tiny spots of light beams to certain predetermined positions on your cornea in order to change the shape to what is required for you to see well. The eye surgeon has full control of the laser and monitors the position of the laser on the cornea as well as the tracking system monitoring the position of your eye in order to make sure the beam is in the correct place. The creation of the flap and the application of the laser usually takes 5-7 minutes per eye depending on the complexity of the of correction that you need. Finally, the flap is replaced in its original position and because it has extraordinary bonding properties,it acts like Velcro to just stick right back down in place without the need for sutures. The technician will often place additional eye drops in your eyes as the procedure is finished just to give you some added comfort and protection and to help your eyes heal quickly. Most often a protective clear plastic shield will be applied-like safety glasses-to prevent you from rubbing your eyes or in case you get bumped accidentally. Pay careful attention to the detailed instructions your doctor gives you regarding additional drops to use at home and when to return for your first visit.
You will need someone to drive you home. To be most comfortable, you should go home and take a long nap. When you awaken you will notice several things. First you will notice a dramatic improvement in your vision. It will most likely not be as good as it will get in a few days as your eyes will need to continue to heal. You should expect to feel some mild "grittiness" or like a little sand or dust has gotten into your eyes for up to a day or so. This is normal. As your eyes heal it is normal and expected to be a little sensitive to light and perhaps see some glare or even haloes around lights at night. This too will diminish as your eyes heal.

LASIK Laser Eye Surgery Candidates

The best candidates for LASIK Eye Surgery are people with healthy eyes have not had previous eye surgery and are looking to correct myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism. They must also have stable vision for at least a year. People with medical conditions and taking certain medication may not be eligible for LASIK eye surgery. Also some people with thin corneas may best be suited for other laser surgeries.

Wavefront technology in LASIK Eye Surgery

Wavefront technology is major advance in LASIK laser eye surgery, especially for people who have complicated prescriptions. It may sound a bit funny, but your eyes are like your feet. Shoes usually just come in sizes that measure how long the feet are. With normal LASIK surgery, vision correction is measured by the visual acuity of a person, 20/20, 20/40, 20/100 and how it is altered by the refraction of their eye. This method corrects how much a person can see but not the details of everything else. Imagine if shoes were made exactly for your feet by measuring how wide, how long, comfort level, arch, and so on. The result would be a great pair of shoes that fit perfectly. Wavefront technology does this for the eyes by measuring the whole eye and providing a three-dimensional corneal map. All abnormalities and irregularities, called optical aberrations, from front to back are present in this map and allow the eye surgeon to correct your vision to a "perfect fit". This allows correction for not only nearsightedness or farsightedness and astigmatism and its impact on visual acuity, but also for other aberrations that can affect contrast sensitivity, night vision, depth perception, and light sensitivity. By correcting all these factors, each individual's vision can be improved dramatically by correcting for the individual's specific problems.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sensitive to light?

If you spend more of your day outdoors than indoors or enjoy a lens with a slight tint indoors, then Transitions® XTRActive™ lenses may be right for you. Transitions XTRActive lenses are the darkest everyday photochromic lens-- even in warm weather—and have a moderate tint behind the windshield.
  • Lenses change from light tint indoors to very dark outdoors
  • Designed for those who spend most of their day outdoors
  • The darkest everyday Transitions lens available - even in warm weather
  • Moderate tint behind the windshield
  • Blocks 100% of the sun’s harmful UVA & UVB rays
  • Available for most frames and with non-glare treatments

Friday, May 13, 2011

Help for contact lens wearers with red eyes and dryness

Red eyes. The scourge of the tired and the allergic. Almost everyone gets them occasionally, but it’s usually temporary, and nothing to worry about.
The leading causes include:
  • Being tired
  • Allergies
  • Wearing contact lenses longer than recommended
  • Poor lens care
  • Poor lens fit
  • Sensitivity to lens materials or solutions
If your eyes are red, it can also mean they’re not getting enough oxygen, which can lead to discomfort. ACUVUE® OASYS® Brand Contact Lenses with HYDRACLEAR® Plus, ACUVUE® OASYS® Brand Contact Lenses for ASTIGMATISM, ACUVUE® ADVANCE® Brand Contact Lenses with HYDRACLEAR® and ACUVUE® ADVANCE® Brand Contact Lenses for ASTIGMATISM are made with silicone for increased oxygen transmission and a silky texture to maximize comfort.
For allergy sufferers, 1•DAY ACUVUE® MOIST® Brand Contact Lenses are ideal. With a fresh pair every day, you dodge dust, pollen and other irritants that can build up when you wear lenses over and over.
To keep your eyes looking and feeling fresh:
  • Wear your lenses only as long as your eye doctor recommends.
  • Follow recommended cleaning routines.
  • Wash your hands before you handle your lenses, every time.
  • Protect your lenses from damage and extreme heat or cold.
If your eyes are red and you’re experiencing pain or impaired vision, you should contact us immediately.